Employee Benefit Plan Audit

At Kruggel Lawton we are committed to providing you the highest quality audit possible. We understand how complex this area can be…and the costly mistakes to avoid. That’s why we have a dedicated team of auditors with specialized knowledge and experience to ensure compliance with Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) requirements and other regulations impacting your EBP audit.

Our Quality Commitment
As a member of the American Institute of CPAs Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center, we are committed to holding to the highest quality standards. Our membership requires that we:

  • Designate a partner responsible for our employee benefit plan audit practice
  • Establish quality control programs
  • Perform annual internal inspection procedures
  • Make our peer review report findings publicly available

With over 50 years of combined experience with 401(k) single-employer and multi-employer plans, we bring a superior level of experience and knowledge to your employee benefit plan (EBP). We conduct our audits in a way that maximizes audit efficiency and offers your plan administrator and HR team personal service."

We are Kruggel Lawton CPA

Employee Benefit Plan Audit Services Include:

  • Full-scope audits of of 401(k), 403(b), pension, health & welfare, and employee stock ownership plans
  • 103(a)(3)(C) audits of 401(k), 403(b), pension, health & welfare, and employee stock ownership plans
  • Consulting services related to employee benefit plans and Department of Labor regulations
  • Assistance with Department of Labor inquiries and examinations
  • Preparing IRS Form 5500 and summary annual reports

Staff Expertise

Our team of EBP specialists stays current in this highly technical practice area by attending the annual AICPA National Conference on Employee Benefit Plans and other relevant seminars, and by reviewing monthly publications from BDO U.S.A.

For more information about our employee benefit plan audit services contact Partner Aaron O’Dell at aodell@klcpas.com or Partner Steve Beasy at sbeasy@klcpas.com.

Let's Talk! Fill out the form below to schedule an appointment.

574.264.2247 ext. 333