New Expanded Paid Sick Leave for Michigan Employers

The Michigan Supreme Court has reinstated the Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) changing the previously adopted Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act (PMLA) to provide more sick time to employees. For the past five years employers have been following a more limited sick leave program, but starting on February 21, 2025, Michigan employers will have to adjust to a new paid leave law.

The biggest differences between the two is ESTA's broader application. ESTA will apply to all employers with at least one employee (excluding the US government) instead of the previous 50 person threshold.

It is worth noting, employer obligations vary based on whether or not they're considered a "small business." According to the Act, a small business is defined as having fewer than 10 employees. This count includes all individuals on the payroll, whether they are full-time, part-time, or temporary workers. If an employer has 10 or more employees on its payroll for any 20 weeks or more during the current or previous calendar year, it does not qualify as a small business under ESTA, even if the number of employees decreases during that period.

Beginning February 21, 2025, Michigan employees will accrue earned sick time at a rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked, which includes overtime. The ESTA does not cap sick leave accrual, but does cap usage. The only except is for small businesses who can cap paid leave at 40 hours. Employees will also be able to carry over all accrued, unused sick time from year to year, but will not be paid out for any remaining time earned upon termination.

Sick time is accrued at the rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked, which does not include overtime. Additionally, accrual is not capped but usage is. While most employers will not be able to cap paid sick leave accrual, small businesses are able to cap accrual of paid time leave at 40 hours with unpaid leave being uncapped. Under ESTA, employers are required to carryover all accrued, unused earned sick time vs under PMLA only being able to carryover 40.
While ESTA doesn't go into effect until February 21, 2025, there are still things you can do now to prepare.
  1. Review and revise policies that will be impacted by ESTA's new requirements.
  2. Make sure your Human Resources team understands the changes, how they will be communicated with employees, and how to properly document usage.
  3. Display copies of the required ESTA poster.
  4. Watch for additional guidance and regulations to be announced in the new year.
Summary of Changes
  • Covered employers
    • Small business: 10+ individuals at any time
    • All other employers: all employers
  • Covered employees
    • All employees
  • Accrual rate
    • 1 hour for every 30 hours worked
  • Accrual cap
    • Small business: 40 hours of paid leave; unlimited cap for unpaid leave
    • All other employers: unlimited cap
  • Carryover
    • No cap - all time carried over
  • Frontloading
    • Permitted; carryover still required
  • Use
    • Small businesses: 40 hours of paid leave; 32 hours of unpaid sick leave
    • All other employers: 72 hours of paid sick leave