Aaron Hoeppner, QKA


Aaron has more than 19 years of retirement plan experience, both with a national CPA firm and in the banking industry. This includes auditing qualified retirement plans, annual recordkeeping for defined contribution plans, and technical consulting related to defined contribution plans.

Aaron is primarily involved at the manager level on assurance engagements. Areas of service include:

  • Manage and review audits of qualified retirement plans including 403(b) plans and 401(k) profit sharing plans
  • Prepare and review Form 5500 for retirement and welfare benefit plans
  • Research technical issues related to qualified retirement plans
  • Perform and review allocations of defined contribution plans and perform anti-discrimination tests for defined contribution plans
  • Review and draft of plan documents and summary plan descriptions

Professional Memberships

  • American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries


When Aaron is not watching one of his daughters volleyball games, he likes to watch or attend both Chicago and South Bend Cubs games with his family. He also enjoys watching Purdue football and basketball games. He attended his first Indianapolis 500 in 1992 and has been every year since 1995.


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

  • B.S. in Business
  • MBA