
Kruggel Lawton’s NextGen group focuses on developing future leadership through a variety of engagement levels. This group is a network of young professionals within KL who build a culture of inclusion, collaboration, and critical thinking benefiting the changing generational needs and the firm’s future. Leaders of tomorrow become engaged with the community and enjoy professional leadership paired with recreational activities throughout the year.

Recent NextGen events included a kick-off to busy season 2023 with ax throwing, bowling, laser tag, and arcade games, a summer cookout with discussion about firm strategic planning, a fall breakfast with a panel of local leaders on how to get involved with local nonprofit organizations and pumpkin painting, a lunch-and-learn facilitating soft skill development, and a just-for-fellowship outing to the batting cages. Throughout these various events, NextGen connects staff with ways to engage colleagues and empower them to identify leadership qualities they want to further develop.

We are Kruggel Lawton CPA

Steering Committee

  • Michelle Gantt
  • Nicole Hanlon, CPA
  • Patrick Lee, CPA
  • Kyleigh Otwinowski
  • Juliana Romano, CPA
  • Sara Scharnowske
  • Lucas Vervynckt, CPA

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